OKMath PD Calendar

Do you know of PD opportunities in Oklahoma that are worth sharing? This calendar is a shared calendar for all OKMath Teachers. If you want your event on the calendar, simply invite us!

[Please note that this is not a moderated calendar. If you want your event on the calendar, follow the steps below.]

Here are the steps:

  1. Create the event in your personal or work calendar (Outlook appears to not work for this often)
  2. Include a clear title
  3. Include start and end times
  4. Include an address
  5. At least include a contact website, email, or phone number
  6. Include a brief description of who would benefit from attending the workshop or event
  7. ** Don’t forget to invite us by using the email address below.**

Add This Email to Your Contacts

Include this email address as a guest to your event: c6oh6rh1oeqvlmdlgvje45m3hs@group.calendar.google.com



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