Letters from the OCTM President
Hello Oklahoma Math Teachers:
I’m so excited to start monthly “letters from the OCTM President” on OKMath Teachers. OCTM is the Oklahoma Council of Teachers of Mathematics. We are the local chapter of NCTM, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Members of OCTM get a variety of benefits including: newsletters each semester, copies of the OCTM Journal, access to our website www.okctm.org and most importantly information about our summer conference.
This years summer conference is approaching quickly. We will host over forty K-12 math sessions on Friday, June 12th, 2015 @ Oklahoma City Community College. You can register at www.okctm.org, by mail or at 8:00am on the day of the conference. Lunch is included and we will have door prizes at the closing session at 3:15pm. Hope you can all attend some great professional developement and learn more about OCTM!
Julie B. Klingensmith, OCTM President
The OCTM annual conference is tomorrow. You can register at the door from 8 AM to 8:30 AM at Oklahoma City community college off I-240 and May Avenue. Members $30and nonmembers $50 which includes lunch and a one-year membership. Check out the program at
Follow us now on Twitter @ok_ctm and use the hashtag #OCTM and #OCTM/OSTA16 for the conference.