“The term professional learning community has become quite commonplace in education circles. The term describes a collegial group who are united in their commitment to an outcome. In the case of education, the commitment would be to student learning”
Technology has provided educators with unlimited tools that make it possible to connect and teach in new and exciting ways!
“These same forces offer the opportunity for new models for the professional growth of teachers. Learning communities share a way of knowing, a set of practices, and shared value of the knowledge that comes from these procedures. These learning communities, with expanded human and technological resources, bring together students, teachers, and community members in directing the course of education in new ways.”
Value of Tech-Enabled PLCs
Engage: When teachers engage in quality professional learning communities they are committing to developing excellence within themselves.
The benefits of professional learning community to educators and students include:
- reduced isolation of teachers
- better informed and committed teachers
- academic gains for students
- powerful staff-development approach and a potent strategy for school change and improvement
Choosing the Community that is Right For You
- Determine your content goals and expectations for participating in an online PLC.
- Choose a structure that will support you as you work toward your goals.
- Select tools that will help you create the structure you need.
Resources Right Here in our Great State of Oklahoma: Okmathteachers.com is a GREAT place to start! |
Join the #OKMath Facebook group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/491621280870190/
Subscribe to the #OKMath e-mail list for Secondary and Elementary: http://listserv.sde.ok.gov/scripts/wa.exe?SUBED1=elementarymath&A=1 Subscribe to the OKMath Podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/okmath-teachers-okmath-podcast/id792732243?mt=2 Check out the amazing resources and tips that have been “rounded up” by other OKMath teachers: http://okmathteachers.com/tag/round-up Get acquainted with the #OKMath Twitter community by using the hashtag #OKMath
To keep your “feed” organized consider using tweetdeck (https://tweetdeck.twitter.com/) or hootsuite (https://hootsuite.com/)
Twitter for Your PLN YouTube video: https://youtu.be/8KtC0VrQ0ig
Using Tweetdeck YouTube video: https://youtu.be/jAsN3cA9Qxs
There are many awesome educators utilizing Twitter! Here are a few hashtags and people to follow:#elemmathchat, #mtbos, #okmath, #msmath
·Max Ray-Riek @maxmathforum ·Annie Fetter @MFAnnie ·Marilyn Burns @mburnsmath ·Donna Boucher@MathCoachCorner ·Mark Chubb @MarkChubb3 ·Matt Coaty @Mcoaty ·Steve Wyborney @SteveWyborney ·Jeremiah Ruesch @mathkaveli ·Tina Cardone @crstn85 ·Justin @JustinAion ·Dan Meyer @ddmeyer ·Steve Leinwand @steve_leinwand ·Brian Stockus @bstockus ·Levi Patrick @_levi_ ·Jen Lamb @educatorjen Robbyn Glinsmann @glinsmannMath Melynee Naegele @buffalogal03
Twitter Chat Schedules:Sunday
#oklaed: Oklahoma Ed Chat 8 pm #probchat: Problem Centered Learning 8pm #TMchat: Thinking Maps Chat 9pm Monday #tlap Teaching Like a Pirate 8:00 PM #msmathchat: Middle School Math Chat 8pm Wednesday #educoach Educational Coaching 9pm Thursday #ElemMathChat 8pm Comprehensive List of Education Twitter Chats: https://sites.google.com/site/twittereducationchats/education-chat-calendar/chat-calendar-cst
Facebook is a Great Resource too: Search and Find a myriad of resources and connections!
NCTM: https://www.facebook.com/TeachersofMathematics?fref=ts
NCSM: https://www.facebook.com/mathedleadership?fref=ts
OCTM: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Oklahoma-Council-of-Teachers-of-Mathematics/205940092775526?fref=ts
Math Coach’s Corner: https://www.facebook.com/MathCoachsCorner?fref=ts
ElemMathChat: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005368367347&fref=ts
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Public Schools of North Carolina: http://www.ncpublicschools.org/profdev/resources/proflearn/
Learn NC http://www.learnnc.org/lp/pages/7012
Education Chats on Twitter: https://sites.google.com/site/twittereducationchats/education-chat-calendar
Math Blogs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sceqJc8PVm6e2xC1GekgP63RHxxgfLkaRSBtE-7c8nw/pub?single=true&gid=0&output=html
Exploring the Math Twitter Blogosphere: https://exploremtbos.wordpress.com/
Math Teacher’s Circles: http://www.mathteacherscircle.org/
Twitter for Teachers: http://rossieronline.usc.edu/twitter-for-teachers/
Collaborative Online Continuing Education: Professional Development Through Learning Communities: http://www.edutopia.org/professional-development-through-learning-communities
Mathematics educators on Twitter: http://mathed.net/wiki/Mathematics_educators_on_Twitter#Chats_Focused_on_Mathematics_Education