Where the companion guides are centered around one grade level, the focus of these is the vertical alignment. *If you downloaded any of the companion guides or vertical alignment pdfs for 5th grade before 10/3/2014, you will have a mistake on standard 1.3. It is fixed now, but double check that your standard includes commutative, associative and distributive properties.*

ARCHIVE: Vertical Alignment Teacher Created Guides for Elementary
This is another composition of the resources teachers created this summer.
Where the companion guides are centered around one grade level, the focus of these is the vertical alignment. *If you downloaded any of the companion guides or vertical alignment pdfs for 5th grade before 10/3/2014, you will have a mistake on standard 1.3. It is fixed now, but double check that your standard includes commutative, associative and distributive properties.*
Where the companion guides are centered around one grade level, the focus of these is the vertical alignment. *If you downloaded any of the companion guides or vertical alignment pdfs for 5th grade before 10/3/2014, you will have a mistake on standard 1.3. It is fixed now, but double check that your standard includes commutative, associative and distributive properties.*