Oklahoma’s Summer Consortium is a time set aside in the summer for educators to come together, brainstorm for and create resources they would use in their classrooms and then share those with the rest of the state. This year, with HB3399, the educators decided we needed a starter document to refresh our minds about PASS and introduce teachers new too PASS. We also wanted to keep tags for CCSS so that we had easy access to all of the CCSS resources from around the country.
The educators created and included pacing guides, major concepts, and sample math tasks. They are linked below.
Stay tuned for more great things from our Oklahoma educators!
1st Grade Companion Guide Standards Companion (1st Grade)
2nd Grade Companion Guide Standards Companion (2nd Grade)
3rd Grade Companion Guide Standards Companion (3rd Grade)
4th Grade Companion Guide Standards Companion (4th Grade)
5th Grade Companion Guide Standards Companion (5th Grade)
K-2 Pacing Guide Convening Created Pacing Guide Chart K – 2
3-5 Pacing Guide Convening Created Pacing Guide Chart 3 -5
Vertical Alignment of Blueprint 3-6 Convening Created Vertical Alignment of Blueprints 3 – 6